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Google Cloud BigQuery

Google Cloud BigQuery

Google Cloud BigQuery is an analytical data warehousing solution that enables organisations to analyse data across clouds.

App Connect

    Google Cloud BigQuery actions

    The action is the task you want your flow to complete.

    1. Create dataset

      Create a dataset in the Google Cloud BigQuery project

      Retrieve datasets

      Retrieve a dataset from the Google Cloud BigQuery project

      Update dataset

      Update a dataset in the Google Cloud BigQuery project

      Delete dataset

      Delete a dataset from the Google Cloud BigQuery project

    1. Retrieve jobs

      Retrieve jobs

    1. Retrieve tables

      Retrieve table from the Google Cloud BigQuery project

      Update table

      Update a table in the Google Cloud BigQuery project

      Delete table

      Delete a table from the Google Cloud BigQuery project

      Copy table

      Copy a table

      Export data

      Export data

      Load data

      Load data

      Restore deleted table

      Restore a deleted table

    1. Retrieve views

      Retrieve view from the Google Cloud BigQuery project

      Delete view

      Delete a view from the Google Cloud BigQuery project

  • Many more actions are available once connected to Google Cloud BigQuery in IBM App Connect

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